Friday, June 1, 2012

The perfect country ;-)

After living in 5 different countries and visiting almost 20, I guess I started to dream about an ideal place where I would gather all the things I liked around the world. I would call this new country Kirghisia.

This country would spend much money on research and pay professors and teachers a lot like the US does; but university would be equally accessible and free like in Italy, with no difference between Grande Ecoles (business schools) and Petites Ecoles (universities). The school system would provide support to any student who might have trouble with any kind of subject matters or topics like in Finland, and kindergarten teachers would be given high credit since they deal with the most sensitive time of our lives (again like in Finland).
In this country, natural beauty products, food and medicine would be affordable and easy to find like in France and Germany.
People would wear Italian cloths and drink Italian coffee. They would also eat Korean kimchi, Portuguese bolinhas de bacalhau, Spanish paella, Mexican tacos, Japanese sushi......... People would have a sauna at home every night like in Finland, and get a massage every day after work like in Southeast Asia. Once a year, Rio de Janeiro's Carnival would take place, and in the beginning of June, the Bulgarian Rose Festival would occur. The sea would look like the Greek sea.

Social security would be like in Northern Europe and far from the US health system. Unemployment benefits would be like in France and there would be free bicycles all over the cities so that everyone would be able to get one and then leave it back somewhere after riding. Bicycle lanes would be everywhere like in the Netherlands. Life would be fun and surprising like in Naples and people would be welcoming and peaceful like in Bali. There would be many little grocery stores instead of huge dreadful supermarkets. There would be no one dying from hunger like in Buthan and Cuba.

Architecture would look like the Italian one and parks would follow the English style. Movies wouldn't be translated but only subtitled like in Scandinavia and France.

Tap water would be free like in Canada and you would be able to return everything you bought but didn't like anymore (before using it, of course) like in the US.

Trains would be always on time like in Switzerland and cannabis would be legal like in the Netherlands.

What else? Help remind....


PS: This is just a joke I wanted to share with you all. Of course there is no perfect country, but when I live abroad or travel I always have fun trying to imagine which characteristics of the new country I would keep and which I would discard. Generally, I'm not talking about cultural features, but more about political and social policies.   

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