Sunday, June 3, 2012

Limbo or mambo?

The condition F. talked about in a previous post is what my Brazilian friend calls the limbo. One day, he told me something I have not forgotten ever since: Once you leave your own country, you will always live in a limbo and never completely come back: if you stay abroad you'll miss what you have
left at home and if you go back home you'll miss what you have left in the new country.

How are we going to deal with the limbo? Can we make it more pleasant? Or could we just accept it for what it is and learn to deal with that?

Would it be better to keep the desire of leaving but never do it? Is the limbo condition better than regretting never having left? Is it better to be a happy naïve? I've been wondering  about these things for ages.

That's why in my first post I was talking about a nirvana hard to bear...

Should we just dance, dance, dance in order to forget?

What do you think? Send us your comments.



  1. we should dance, dance mixing the different dances which we've been learning so far... not forgetting any of them

    the limbo could become a richness offering us a wider perspective and the ability of finding our space everywhere...

    we can bring with us all the frangrance, music, smell, colours, voices, characters, perspectives which enriched our lives

  2. so the limbo could become a mambo!
    If we could talk more about that, that would help us!
