Monday, May 21, 2012

Transcultural Interzone

I've probably come to that state of bliss, where you know you have ethnical and geographical origins and that's ok, but you also know that your identity is far bigger than them. It's like a nirvana. Something I wouldn't exchange with anything else.

My personal experience is, as the definition states, personal. But, perhaps, thousands of people in the world can, in today's globalized world, understand what we're talking about in this blog, recognize themselves in our stories and share their stories with us. 

I'm talking about traveling and living abroad, either for a free choice or under constraint, losing your identity and getting it back... only to lose it again. I'm talking about cultural misunderstandings, intercultural mistakes and transcultural miscommunication. But I'm also talking about being able to overcome that "mis" and get to an understanding and a communication.

I'm talking about that zone, that interzone you can find between yourself and others, your native culture and others', each of your new identities and your old ones. I'm talking about that feeling... when you feel lost, with no roots, only until you figure out your roots are the entire world. It's more difficult to bear, it's too much sometimes, it's not always pleasant nor fulfilling, but it's also fascinating, enriching, huge and indefinable. You are now a citizen of the world, all the world is your home, you can't help but feeling everyone else's pain as your own pain and everyone else's joy as your own joy. This feeling is powerful, you feel like you can see bigger, feel stronger, hear louder and smell the fragrance of a thousand flowers at the same time, flowers you didn't even know they existed before.

So we are talking about that Transcultural Interzone where you can find your place, your identity in a plurality of identities, your culture in a plurality of cultures, never forgetting your origins, and your condition in a single condition: the human one.

Beyond all limits, beyond all obstacles, we are human beings. But this nirvana, as every nirvana, is difficult to bear, so we want you to share your experiences with us and to network with us, we are a huge family around the world, we are the family of travelers, expats, dreamers and searchers. We are many and different from each other, but we can also, for a sec', for the time of a post reading, be one.

Follow us, send us your ideas and posts; share with us your experiences and feelings. And we'll do the same with you.

Stay tuned!


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